Captain Hook would never abide by this...
In additional news, the Student Council here is grilling lunch for all the teachers today as a "thank you" for the school year. Nice of them, and of course I shall attend because it means two things: free food (brats, no less!) and a little more time with some kids that I will indeed miss.
But here's the deal. This school is so two-faced, I feel like I'm leaking brain fluid out of my pores. Yesterday evening at our staff meeting, we "appreciated" some of the staff for their outstanding work on recent performances, for example, the Choir Director and the Band Director. But did we recognize the spring play, performed in between these two events? No. And why not, you ask? Certainly the Madame doesn't LIKE Drama, but she does her job well. Why not recognize her?
And the answer to that, boys and girls, is that three teachers out of hrair came to see the performance. And how many administrators? Zip. Also take into account the myriad teachers that told children they would be coming and then didn't show up. Bad form, I tell you. Bad form.
So no recognition for me. It's okay though -- yes, I am bitter, but you can't complain too much when the people who really matter (the students) are still bringing by thank-you notes and such. What a bunch of sweeties. Where they get it from in this district, I have no idea.
Courage! You only have five days left (counting today), and as long as the kids are still bringing by the notes, then no worries! Certainly, I appreciate your play, even if the administrators didn't. (Nice use of hrair, by the way. But shouldn't it be hrair-roo because there are more than four teachers at the school? Just curious; you're the new expert!)
I understand the need for your own little language, as you are members of an exclusive club, but what the heck is "hrair" supposed to mean?
As Bucky-Ball says, courage!
In Watership Down (by Richard Adams), the rabbits have their own language; the author is kind enough to provide a glossary in the back so that you can figure out what the bunnies are talking about... and one of the words they use is "hrair," which, I believe means "a lot." But because they're still rabbits, they also have "hrair-roo" which mean "a great many" and is used for any quantity greater than four.
Thank you for your kind words of support! How joyous! And now Bucky is free too! Hooray!
By the way, I believe that Buckwalter actually has the two words confused -- "roo" as a suffix is used as a diminutive -- as in "Hlaroo" as a nickname for a small rabbit. So I think "hrair" means many (as in "the thousand" in bunny speak) and "hrair-roo" means more than 4 -- which is how high the rabbits can count. But I'll check my facts tonight, just to be sure!
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