Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A dilemma...

There are those dots again. Curses!
I have a dilemma. I wish to post, for it is lonely here at home when Buckwalter is away, but I have nothing to post about. That's not true -- I have plenty to post about, but nothing to say. No divine light to shed, no quips to utter. Not even a little pearl of wisdom from my day of educating. No, nothing much.
How about this? Perhaps this shall interest you...
[Please note: this next section of the post contains a complaint. If you are not in the mood to hear it, please tune in again tomorrow.]
I have a person (a very close relation) in my life who insists that I communicate with them, even though we both know the relationship is bogus and has been for a long time. They insist that these communiques be both lengthy and time-consuming. This person does not respond thusly. I just wrote a very long email last week to said culprit, and waited. Now, I have received voice mails from this person, asking where I am, what I'm doing, am I ever going to respond? Then the person has others (small, child-like others) send me voicemail, as if guilting me into calling will help. Yuck. I assure you, dear reader, that it has the opposite effect.
But, I find that every once in a while, I have to appease said person, in order to avoid this person calling others to seek me out. So, last week I did. I wrote this long email I mentioned -- even attached pictures! And what do I get back, after all this time, after all the voicemails, after all the cantankerousness beseiged upon me?
"Nice pictures! Love, Said Person."
Boy. I guess that was really worth my time.
Okay, I'm done complaining. I'll think of something more interesting for next time.
P.S. They didn't actually sign the email "Said Person." They used their name. Don't worry -- they may be a partial loser, but they aren't crazy...yet.


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