Sunday, September 04, 2005

Go Team!

Buckwalter and I are finally getting to the stage here (perhaps stage three?) where we can begin to enjoy the benefits of living in this new city. Last night we went to a show at the Golden Nugget by the Lon Bronson Band -- totally free, totally awesome. We bought some drinks, played some slots and then went up to the show. One of the awesomest parts? It began at 12:00. Sweet. The crowd was great -- I don't think there were too many out-of-towners in the house, except a few musicians from Tower of Power who are buddies with some of the guys in the band, and came to sit in. It was so sweet.
How sweet, you still ask? As if all the afore mentioned weren't enough, there was a shared solo on one song between two tenor sax players. Dueling saxes are a little bit hipper than dueling banjos. Although I do love a good banjo duel.
These guys were tight -- their playing was right in sync, the singers were fantastic showmans (and ladies) and the crowd was spectacularly appreciative. We're going to be going again. And I have a feeling that anyone who comes to visit on a Saturday may have the pleasure of seeing this band too.
It brought up an interesting issue in my mind, too. I am not a sports person, nor am I a big believer in the "power" of sports -- it just doesn't do much for me. But I will say that there isn't enough attention paid to the power of teamwork in music. If you want your kids to learn about positive teamwork, how to build a cohesive unit (he he, unit) and all that jazz, it seems to me that more people should be thinking of putting their kid into a musical ensemble. Talk about only being as strong as the weakest link. In my experience, and I've been through alot of those teamwork bullshit kinds of activities, nothing has taught me how to create a positive team environment where everyone is striving for a goal and everyone helps everyone else out than being a part of a musical ensemble.
Also, I am so glad to be away from that stupid FISH movie about the guys who work at the Seattle fish market and love their job so much. That's great and all, but I have seen that movie way too many times, and I hate those guys a little bit more with each play of the DVD. Grr. Plus I always see groups of people like this band who obviously love their job, and wonder, "why not them?" And then I realize it might have something to do with the fact that stupid business philosophy companies might have their heads somewhere where they don't belong. I hate that movie.


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