Me, stay late?
I promise you -- the time I spent working on my work outside of paid, contract hours was almost zero in the past two years. The bets piece of advice I received during student teaching was "Don't bring your work home with you -- in any way." And it's good advice. Keeping a nice separation both mentally and in the physical world too between your home life and your work life is a, well, a life saver. I don't understand how or why some people blur this line -- why would you want to work when you're at home? The exception for me of course, is money. If I'm being paid while I'm at home, then that's fine. But no money? No work. Don't bring those papers home to grade -- dumb, dumb idea.
But today, I found myself really into decorating my room. My room is big, and I have space for all my posters! Hooray! And I just got into it! We were done at 2:45, and the next thing I knew, it was 4:30 and the assistant principal was on the loudspeaker telling everyone they were going to turn the alarm on in 5 mintues. Wowsers! I worked late!
Now, it's important to understand that I do NOT intend to make a habit of this. But I think it speaks to my happiness here and in this new job so far. I would have NEVER stayed one moment past contract hours at my old place of employment. But today, I broke that little chain. I'm sure it'll link right back up tomorrow (otherwise I'll have to negotiate for more money) so don't worry about little old Madame becoming a workaholic. Ha ha to that.
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