Sunday, August 14, 2005

Weather of a different sort

Buckwalter and I have been spending all of our last vacation days until I start workshop and he starts the job hunt (which, technically, he already has, so maybe I should say until he starts interviewing) watching our DVDs, sitting on our new balcony, and knitting. I'm knitting...he's not.

After a summer full of an additional teaching job (which I love, don't get me wrong, and will miss a whole bunch) it's been nice to have this week or so to get organized. The last of the boxes were finally cleared from the living room today. Hooray! Things like that tend to bother me a lot. In college I used to not be able to go to sleep until I had unpacked my dorm room. I had to give that up when I started living in apartments, though. You can have a dorm room unpacked completely by 3:00 in the morning -- an apartment? Not so much.

There is an awesome thunderstorm happening right now. It's been going on for the past 2 to 3 hours. Rain, thunder, dark clouds, lightning in the distance, all that jazz. And I'm very happy to see it come. One concern I had with moving into a desert climate was that I would be done with storms. I'm relieved to find that's not the case. The clouds are magnificent moving over the mountains and then slowly disappearing as they drift into the valley.

As someone who never thought she'd live anywhere except Minnesota, I have to say that this move gets a plus so far.


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