Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Harry Potter and the Half-Banned Prince

Wowsers. Check out this story at
First of all, I love the Harry Potter books. They are fun, awesome, and all that jazz.
But is this really news?
Of course, most people are probably like me, and whether they think it's news or not, still, we click on that little news link just to hear maybe a tidbit of what this book's going to be about. Oops. Caught me red-handed here (or perhaps, half-blooded...)
But wow! Those poor people who somehow got their hands on it early are ordered by a judge to not even read it? Goodness gracious me.
Seems like it might be a lovely illegal and guilty pleasure to read it anyway.
Actually, I bet I do know what happens in this book. Let me hazard a guess, if you will:
The first chapter reveals something to us that we won't recognize until later, and will not be about Harry at all.
Then, Harry has something weird happen to him.
Then, he goes back to school, only to find that weird things are happening there.
Then, around Halloween, something EXTREMELY weird will happen, and all of Hogwarts will be in an uproar.
Then, the year will go by somewhat boringly for the reader until...
Spring comes!
And suddenly the shit will hit the fan!
And EVERYTHING will go weird.
And then Harry will do something spectacular that has something to do with how his parents saved him.
And then Dumbledore will talk with him about it.
And then it'll be the end.

Somewhere in there, there will also be several awkward romantic moments, causing the reader to wonder, "Who will end up with who? Hermione and Ron? Harry and Hermione? Ron and Harry? WE JUST DON'T KNOW!"
I do love these books so. Partly because of the formula, I guess. Partly because they're so fun to read out loud. And you should hear Buckwalter as Professor Lupin. It's an instant classic.


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