Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Now, I know what you'd say...

Most people who are currently stay-at-home moms (remember, they're not housewives) would say to me, "But you don't know how hard being a mother is. It's like a full time job! It's so hard."
To this I say thusly:
I have no thoughts in my head that it isn't hard to be a mother. But what about being a father? Isn't that hard too? Hey, and how about if you have to get some income at the same time? Doesn't that make it all just that much harder? So how about instead of using this lame-o argument we just skip the argument part and go straight to the part where you realize your comments upheld my belief that modern "stay-at-home moms" are self-centered and self-serving? That'd be much easier.
Although I do so enjoy this soapbox.
Seriously -- it's definitely my favorite thing to complain about because it makes the women I'm talking about so angry. They hate it when you point out their dependence.
But the biggest reason this problem needs to be addressed AND SOLVED in young women?
With all these stay-at-home moms on the loose, WHY ARE CHILDREN BECOMING LESS AND LESS WELL-BEHAVED?
What do these women do all day? That's an actual question! What do they do? Their children are noisy, ill-mannered, rude, and usually a little bit violent. What's happening here? I thought it was the day cares that were going to turn a sweet child into a monster, not their mothers!

Anyway, I'm sure I'll be back with this issue. It definitely feels good to vent a little here. As you can see, this is an issue I feel mildly strongly about.

Here's a couple of fun links:
This one is a lovely little online place for stay-at-home moms. Make sure you check out the workout page. Heavens, can you believe that this woman was once a size 10? How on earth could she let herself go like that?

Here's a great idea. What if you just went back to REAL work after your kid goes to school? That's a nice middle ground. I'll give you 5 years at home and then you're only partly selfish. How about that?

The more I search on google for other websites, and the more websites I check out, the angrier I get.
Don't kid yourself -- being a stay-at-home mom in this day and age is a selfish, selfish thing. It has nothing to do with your children. It has everything to do with your children. It's all about you, and you know it.
So there.


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