Monday, June 27, 2005

I swear I'll do better...

Okay, so it's been a long time. So what? It's not like I haven't been doing stuff all along...although, I know, dear blog, I could have written. Please don't feel too betrayed -- I'll mend my ways.
New Not much. Bucky and I have set the date to move -- August 2, we head down 35 with all our things in tow, including little Lyra. We took her on a practice car ride last night. On the way down the elevator, she was completely silent, and Bucky and I assumed that that meant she had forgotten the horror of being abandoned by her previous owners. But as soon she felt the air outside she began to howl, causing Buckwalter to tear up and me to laugh nervously. All the way to Baker's Square in the car, "Mmmmmaaaarrrooooooowwwwwwwwwww!" It was very sad. But then she and I sat in the car while Buckwalter procured some lovely pie pieces and then she was pretty okay the rest of hte time. We plan to do these "car drills" several times before we leave, with the idea that she'll get used to car rides and not think they only end in the vet or being left behind. That's the idea, anyway. If it doesn't work, I can see that it's going to be a LONG car ride to Vegas with the poor kitty yowling the whole way. Yikes.
So let's hope for the best on that one. Indeed.


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