Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The biggest soapbox I know

I don't say terribly many controversial things on this little doo-dad, but now my time has come.
There are too many women approximately or exactly my age who are planning to become stay-at-home moms.
That's the beginning statement. Let me clarify my point of view here.
If you are a modern woman, you are not a stay-at-home mom. If your greatest desire in life is to stay at home with your children, you are not a feminist. If you have decided to become a breeder for the rest of your life until old age sets in, you do not get to talk about the "degradation of women in society." These are things that do not go together.
So many times I hear women who are advocates of staying at home with children settle their minds with this simple sentence. "Feminism is about choice, and I'm making a choice."

Uh huh.

Actually, that's not it. Feminism is about independence. It was about the independence to get OUT of the home, financial independence, and independence from any other human being, if you wished it. Choice is what LIFE is about. Feminism? That's something different.
I don't have a quarrell with women who decide to be a stay-at-home mom (and by the way, when did it change from "housewife" to "stay-at-home mom?") and are honest about their life. As long as they don't make any claims towards being a feminist or being independent or being some sort of advocate for women in a political way, it's totally fine. Then it's their decision.
If they enter into the falsehoods that most "modern women" enter into when they give up their jobs for babies, that's when my blood starts to boil.
A Truth : If you are staying at home every day to take care of your children, you are not independent. Independent people live off their own money. They do not NEED to rely on someone else to put food on their table. They do not NEED to rely on anyone's help to make sure they can buy new clothes. They do not NEED to borrow the checkbook to get gas. If you are independent, you have your own source of income. The only exception to this rule is if you are a housewife who worked an extremely lucrative job and was able to retire before having children, is now staying at home and living entirely on your own past paychecks. Not bloodly likely.
A Nother Truth : If you have decided to become a stay-at-home mom, then it is your job to raise children, have children, and care for children. Since you have set yourself up as someone who breeds, becomes pregnant, and then mothers as your ONLY source of daily work, you don't get to complain about the supposed "degradation" of women in society. You have degraded yourself by denying yourself any independence. You have turned yourself into a sex and baby machine. You have become part of the problem -- not any kind of a solution. Hip hop and rap are for entertainment -- what you're doing is a serious business. Don't complain about people who talk a certain way for entertainment when you have changed your entire life into a walking example of degradation.

This subject makes me so mad. I'm starting to go cross-eyed. And to those of you who are wondering, "why does she get so mad about this?" Here's the answer: these women are self-centered and bogus. They are not thinking about what a wonderful life they can create for their children. They're thinking purely about themselves -- how nice it would be to be with your child all day long; how cool it would be to let someone else worry about bills and money. They degrade themselves in the name of themselves. Plus -- they are so self-righteous about it. These are the women who say things like, "you'd actually put your child in daycare?" As if it's the most unthinkable action in the world. These are the women who I hate and loathe and cannot stand to discourse with.
There. More to add later.


Blogger lexi said...

wow . . .sounds like you are an extremely unhappy person. are you married? do you know that independence in a marriage is most often called divorce? the beauty of marriage is that two individual, independent people are come together to create one. therefore i do not rely on my husband for money or stablity but rather we rely on each other.
sometimes when women desire to express their current freedom they end up only puting themselves back in the cage that once held them. maybe i am not making myself clear. You sound a free bird singing from a self imposed cage. the whole idea of freedom is that we are indeed free. free to stay at home with our kids or free to work and come home to our kids--both very good choices. continueing always to refer back to that cage and not taking advantage of ALL the choices before me is not the way i would like to take advantage of my freedom.
i am indeed a modern woman. I did not take my husband's surname and do continue to share household duties with him like laundry, dishes and meal prep. just like him i have a job. unlike his job, i have the choice to work from home or outside the home. I am a full time mom. i work roughly 110 hours a week and am on call for the remaining 56. my husband and i made this decision together.
for you to make such quick universal judgments about something you obviously know little about shows a bit of unintellegence on your part. i, for one would do more listening and less talking if the subject came up about your job. which is nothing but respectful. i am asking you for that same kind of respect.
pre-marriage and pre-kid i would have probably felt the same way you do now. it is actual expirience that i speak from. you speak from nothing more than observation and assumption. 2 things that don't make you look exceptionally intellegent.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Madame Flamingo said...

If I knew who you were, I would give you some answers to the questions you ask. Since I don't, let's talk about assumptions. What is it that you know about me? Nothing. Except what I think on this issue. Hm. Assumptions indeed.

11:31 AM  

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