Monday, October 03, 2005


This is a post I know my mom would be happy to read...
Buckwalter and I are finally getting the hang of eating at home! After at least two years of living it "New York" style, going out to eat every night, we're starting to cook more often and enjoy it. I happen to believe we owe it all to Ed, the drummer/music man who works with Buckwalter and has been supplying him with many a scrumptious recipe. This Saturday we made a delicious Picadillo -- Mexican Hash. You put it on a tostada and yum yum. Eat up. Delish. We made it with Serrano peppers, which I am quickly learning to call friend.
Then, a few weeks ago, we made our own salsa! (Recipe, again, from Ed. Kudos to him.) It was AWESOME. I never, in my entire life, realized how simple and how fun salsa could be to make. Well, it was probably fun because Buckwalter did most of the work...but he looked like he was having a good time too. We plan to experiment with this recipe a know, add some of this, take away some of that.
But it's a fun change, and I know the cat likes it. Anything that keeps us home more and earns her more attention. Viva home cooking!


Blogger Pennylove said...

Yes, Cooking at home can lead to saving money!! Recipes do sound delicious. Thought I'd let you know I'm reading on this blog too. Hello to all and see you pretty soon. Do you ever get a comment from someone you don't know?????

8:50 AM  

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