Sunday, January 08, 2006

Lo, the flat hills of my country...

10 bonus feathers to the intelligent, well-read person who can name the allusion...

So here we are. Buckwalter's teaching sax and clarinet -- and they are lucky to have him. And this Friday, I start teaching piano and voice. Wow. How quickly extra income can become available.
I find that the longer we live here, the less I have to write about. At least as far as the blog is concerned. It's like it was an outlet for all my frustrations while in MN, and now, my job is wonderful, life is looking up, and suddenly....I can't think of much to say.
It's possible that the blog has taken a serious backseat in my life because of all the time I have in the evenings now. Interesting how the more time you have, the less you usually get done. Actually, I've been focusing almost all my energies on knitting. I haven't had this much time to sit around and make stuff for years -- or possibly, ever? Very possibly ever. Plus we got the digital piano for Christmas, and I wish to devote as much of time as possible to becoming a real musician again. I never thought I'd say this,'s so nice to practice. Sigh. Time for another Bach Invention. Good ol' J.S.


Blogger Buckwalter said...

Good ol' JS indeed. Now, where did I put my PDQ book....

5:27 PM  
Blogger Madame Flamingo said...

Isn't that where they serve the soft-serve ice cream? I can meet you there for some hot eats or, if you prefer, some cool treats.

6:40 PM  

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