Friday, February 24, 2006

Topic of the century...

It seems to be the way everyone's mind is going lately, but I'd also like to post one more time about music. Specifically, to have you all congratulate me (or spit in my face, whichever you prefer, I guess) because I played my first "gig" last night! Buckwalter has informed me that if I play more gigs I can say that I "gig around" but I would like to call it "giggin' about" instead. It's got a much more Percy Granger/Shepherdess with a big herding hook and lacy bonnet sound to it.
I got hooked up with the gig by the Dean at my school, which is pretty awesome, as awesome things go. He gigs about (see, doesn't that sound nice?) in a crazy way in town, and one of his gigs needed an extra keyboard player for the pit orch in a production of "Mame." I said yes! And I made some moola!
Plus it was fun. I got to sit in with these amazing musicians who all have skills that I can only dream of...maybe someday, but I think that day is a LOOOOOOOOOOONG way off. But the best part of this gig was that I got to use a Banjo patch (called "Mr. Banjoe," and yes that's the spelling). There's this "down south" kind of song, and I played banjo in it. It was so sweet. So sweet. Hooray for sweet things. Hooray for me. Hooray for gigging about.


Blogger Buckwalter said...

Well yeah. I'll congratulate you. Looks like all that time listening to "Duelling Banjos" finally paid off. Big time. *Deedle ding ding ding ding ding ding dong!*

12:34 PM  
Blogger Pennylove said...

Hello, thought I'd write here for a distraction. See you haven't had too much time to update this site either. Maybe you won't read this either. Happy Sunday tomorrow! Have a nice day.

1:59 PM  

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