Monday, August 21, 2006

Get to Work!

Well, just like I thought I would, I spent my entire summer knitting and watching TV and sitting by the pool. Not a bad summer break. But I always have such high hopes, plans for the coming school year. In June, I am all prepared to plan for the fall, but first...a little me time. And then suddenly, here I am -- one week before returning to school, no planning done, and ready to move into our new house. If you haven't checked out the new house in awhile, make sure you do so, because these Nevada construction workers are magicians...POOF! We own a house!
Our visit to MN was a great success...lots of fun to see family and friends. Thanks to those of you who were able to make some time for us in your schedules!
Right now I'm sitting in the library of the local University waiting for my pal-o Buckwalter to finish his meeting. He's starting his new job! Hooray! Happy days are indeed here again!
It's always nice to be returning to a school rather than making a whole new jump...I feel excited about the approaching year and my new room, new kids, new ways of doing things, but not in the frantic way I felt last fall. This fall, I have a plan, and if I can't think of anything new for right now, that's okay -- the failsafe ideas are always there.
Also, I am reading a book that I am in love with, called "Get To Work: A Manifesto for the Women of the World" by Linda Hirshman. It is fabulous, and a very convincing argument about why it is no longer feasible for women to be staying at home. She has a plan for how to get women into the workforce, and makes great philosophical points on why it is important for women to...get to work. I love it, and I am aware that there are those of you out there who do not agree with me on this point. That is one reason why it is so refreshing to have a piece of literature to point to. She makes many points which you cannot shrug off with the often used, "Feminism is about choice/It's my choice." I love it, and I plan to give more thoughts on it at a later time. Feminism needs a change, baby, and that change will come if I have anything to do with it! Which I may not, but by God, I will try.
Anyway, enough tirade for today. Buckwalter will be appearing shortly, and then we'll voyage across Tropicana to meet our second set of visitors in the past two weeks! It has been a busy August, but it will prove to be a busier and more exciting September! Happy Fall to you all!

(By the way, we have been noticing a change in the weather here -- even though the temps are still in the 100s, the air is a little lighter, and the sun not so strong. It's amazing how changes in seasons happen everywhere by their own rules. Fun!)


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